Legislation & Advocacy BRANCH REPORT - March 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024 4:06 PM | Anonymous

I understand that there are some questions membership has about how our branch operates and how your membership dues are used to help us achieve our goals.

In Maryland and Virginia, we have always used paid lobbyists to help us. Our lobbyists monitor the THOUSANDS of bills that are proposed each legislative session and pull out for our attention those bills pertaining to the profession of clinical social work and bills that impact our patients. We share the cost of our Virginia lobbyist with the Virginia Society for Clinical Social Work, but even with that cost-sharing, our Virginia and Maryland lobbyists are still a significant part of the Society’s expenses.

In addition to making sure we are monitoring and weighing in on bills that impact us, our lobbyists meet with us on a weekly basis during the legislative session (usually January-March or -April) to help us devise a strategy to address each bill and it’s importance to us. They are invaluable in helping us sort out some of the backroom politics that can be at play and helping negotiate issues to our advantage. In January, the Compact Bill in Virginia was initially due to be heard in the Privileges and Elections Committee in the Senate. Just two days after that, we found that the bill would be heard by the Rehab & Social Services Committee. And one day later, there was a new plan to rerefer the bill to Senate Education & Health (NOT Rehab) and have it heard before the Ed & Health Subcommittee on Health Professions. Mark Smith (our new, and wonderful Virginia lobbyist) was in close contact with legislators on all three committees to garner their support for the bill and to help with the changing sands of where the bill would be heard. That would never have been possible without his “boots on the ground.” Were he not present in Richmond, we might not have been able to garner the support of many of the committee members. The final result of all of that work is that the bill has passed both the VA Senate and the House and now awaits the Governor’s signature!

We confer with our lobbyists when the Legislature is not in session, too. Bills that may not have passed during the session are frequently worked on during the interim, the time between legislative sessions, for re-introduction the following year. Our lobbyists let us know when our input is needed about specific issues. Because of the breadth of their knowledge and the contacts they have throughout the state, we’ve learned they can be helpful in contacting the right people when a member of the Society wishes to become a member of the Board of Social Work. In Maryland, we have consulted with our lobbyists about problems with different insurance companies, and with the BSWE. Although they cannot solve all our problems in those realms, it is usually helpful to make people in those organizations aware of the issues we have, which can help (although sometimes only for a short period of time).

In DC, the structure of legislating is different. There is the DC City Council, with members elected from each of the different wards of the city. We have not had a lobbyist there in recent years because when Margot Aronson was alive, her vast experience and knowledge of people in the city kept us connected to the lawmakers in the way that our lobbyists in Maryland and Virginia help us in those areas. Now, our Board is discussing the possibility of hiring a lobbyist who may be able to help us with getting the Compact through in DC, which has proven challenging, even with several enthusiastic members helping Adele with contacts and discussions.

As always, please contact us with any questions, comments or to join one of the committees. And please, PLEASE step up to bring your energy to our Branch. Wayne Martin, who has faithfully kept us abreast of Virginia issues, will be retiring in June from his position as Chair of the Virginia L&A Committee. Co-chairs would also be welcome, so grab a friend, and jump into a role together. Although I am not retiring at this writing, I do need a co- chair for Maryland, and Adele needs a co-chair for DC. It is important and rewarding work, and we welcome you in helping sort through the issues impacting us all.

Chair of DC L&A Committee: Adele Natter, telladelelicsw@gmail.com. Chair of VA L&A Committee: Wayne Martin, wamnoles@aol.com. Chair of MD L&A Committee and Branch Director, Judy Gallant, judy.gallant@verizon.net. We look forward to hearing from you!

PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA  22463 | 202-478-7638 | admin@gwscsw.org

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