I want to recognize Wayne Martin for the time and effort he has given to our Society as the chair of the Virginia Legislation & Advocacy (L&A) Committee over the past few years. He has faithfully reported the important issues going on in Virginia that impact us as clinical social workers. He attended meetings with our Virginia lobbyists, Susan Rowland in previous years and Mark Smith, this past year, along with colleagues from the Virginia Society’s L&A group, to discuss priorities and strategies involved in reaching our goals with specific legislation. In general, and for me personally, he provided wise and calm council. We all owe him our thanks. Now he is truly retired and can travel at will! Safe travels, Wayne, and all the best!
But that brings me to another part of this report - we need somebody to step up and become part of our Virginia Legislation & Advocacy team! I believe we all want to have the greatest impact possible in all our jurisdictions, including in Virginia. Whoever steps forward will have the amazing opportunity to work with Mark Smith, our dynamic and delightful new lobbyist in VA. Mark, our colleagues from the Virginia Society for Clinical Social Work (VSCSW), and the GWSCSW team together decide on priorities and strategies to keep protections for our clients and our profession in place, and to propose new strategies when necessary. You cannot believe how empowering (and how much fun) this will be!
I look forward to meeting our next Virginia L&A advocate! Please let me know. You can reach me at 301-717-1004 or at judy.gallant@verizon.net.
I understand that there are some questions membership has about how our branch operates and how your membership dues are used to help us achieve our goals.
In Maryland and Virginia, we have always used paid lobbyists to help us. Our lobbyists monitor the THOUSANDS of bills that are proposed each legislative session and pull out for our attention those bills pertaining to the profession of clinical social work and bills that impact our patients. We share the cost of our Virginia lobbyist with the Virginia Society for Clinical Social Work, but even with that cost-sharing, our Virginia and Maryland lobbyists are still a significant part of the Society’s expenses.
In addition to making sure we are monitoring and weighing in on bills that impact us, our lobbyists meet with us on a weekly basis during the legislative session (usually January-March or -April) to help us devise a strategy to address each bill and it’s importance to us. They are invaluable in helping us sort out some of the backroom politics that can be at play and helping negotiate issues to our advantage. In January, the Compact Bill in Virginia was initially due to be heard in the Privileges and Elections Committee in the Senate. Just two days after that, we found that the bill would be heard by the Rehab & Social Services Committee. And one day later, there was a new plan to rerefer the bill to Senate Education & Health (NOT Rehab) and have it heard before the Ed & Health Subcommittee on Health Professions. Mark Smith (our new, and wonderful Virginia lobbyist) was in close contact with legislators on all three committees to garner their support for the bill and to help with the changing sands of where the bill would be heard. That would never have been possible without his “boots on the ground.” Were he not present in Richmond, we might not have been able to garner the support of many of the committee members. The final result of all of that work is that the bill has passed both the VA Senate and the House and now awaits the Governor’s signature!
We confer with our lobbyists when the Legislature is not in session, too. Bills that may not have passed during the session are frequently worked on during the interim, the time between legislative sessions, for re-introduction the following year. Our lobbyists let us know when our input is needed about specific issues. Because of the breadth of their knowledge and the contacts they have throughout the state, we’ve learned they can be helpful in contacting the right people when a member of the Society wishes to become a member of the Board of Social Work. In Maryland, we have consulted with our lobbyists about problems with different insurance companies, and with the BSWE. Although they cannot solve all our problems in those realms, it is usually helpful to make people in those organizations aware of the issues we have, which can help (although sometimes only for a short period of time).
In DC, the structure of legislating is different. There is the DC City Council, with members elected from each of the different wards of the city. We have not had a lobbyist there in recent years because when Margot Aronson was alive, her vast experience and knowledge of people in the city kept us connected to the lawmakers in the way that our lobbyists in Maryland and Virginia help us in those areas. Now, our Board is discussing the possibility of hiring a lobbyist who may be able to help us with getting the Compact through in DC, which has proven challenging, even with several enthusiastic members helping Adele with contacts and discussions.
As always, please contact us with any questions, comments or to join one of the committees. And please, PLEASE step up to bring your energy to our Branch. Wayne Martin, who has faithfully kept us abreast of Virginia issues, will be retiring in June from his position as Chair of the Virginia L&A Committee. Co-chairs would also be welcome, so grab a friend, and jump into a role together. Although I am not retiring at this writing, I do need a co- chair for Maryland, and Adele needs a co-chair for DC. It is important and rewarding work, and we welcome you in helping sort through the issues impacting us all.
Chair of DC L&A Committee: Adele Natter, telladelelicsw@gmail.com. Chair of VA L&A Committee: Wayne Martin, wamnoles@aol.com. Chair of MD L&A Committee and Branch Director, Judy Gallant, judy.gallant@verizon.net. We look forward to hearing from you!
Annual L&A Workshop focused on the Social Work Compact (our Society’s first in-person event since Covid!)
At the beginning of September, the Legislation and Advocacy Branch hosted our 9th annual L&A workshop, where we heard about the current political climate in the nation and in each jurisdiction, with a focus on the Interstate Social Work Compact. Happily, over 50 people attended the brunch at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Chevy Chase, DC.
Judy Gallant gave an overview of the event, and also filled in for Laura Groshong, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice, who was unable to come to the event. Judy presented information about the current status of the Interstate Compact, explained its development by the Council of State Governments, with input from CSWA, NASW, ASWB and others, and discussed the need for 7 state legislatures to pass the Compact into law before an administrative body would be formed by representatives from those states to create a functioning Compact. Judy answered many of the questions our engaged membership asked.
Wayne Martin, our VA L&A Committee chair, introduced Mark Smith, our new Virginia lobbyist. Mark informed us about how the 2023 November election would potentially change the make-up of the legislature, as all legislators are up for election this year. He brings enthusiasm to his new relationship with our Society and let us know he would love to introduce members interested in coming to Richmond to legislators and legislators to us.
Adele Natter discussed the importance of our attendance at the DC Board of Social Work’s monthly meeting and the issues recently discussed, including efforts our members have made to support including group supervision hours to count towards licensing requirements for LICSWs. However, the Board does not appear inclined to support the Interstate Social Work Compact, largely due to the financial impact this would potentially have on DC and the SW Board. A letter writing campaign to DC City Council members was discussed as a potential way to bring more support to passing the Compact in DC.
Our Maryland lobbyist, Christine Krone, discussed the likelihood that Maryland lawmakers will support adoption of the Social Work Compact, but that involvement of our membership during the legislative session will be crucial to getting the bill passed.
Please see individual committee reports and watch your email for ways and the most effective timing for you to become involved in advocating for the Interstate Social Work Compact in your jurisdiction. Here are links to find your state or DC representatives contact information, as well as talking points when appropriate for discussing the Compact with lawmakers, etc.:
Please let your jurisdiction’s committee chair know when you’ve been in touch with a legislator and if there is a response from them. Thank you!
Your help needed in our Legislation & Advocacy Branch!
Useful information
Parts of meetings of the Board of Social Work in each jurisdiction are open to the public. We encourage members to attend meetings as you are able. Generally, the Boards appreciate feedback from members. Links to information about each jurisdiction’s meetings can be found below.
As always, please contact us with any questions, comments or to join one of the committees. Chair of DC L&A Committee: Adele Natter, telladelelicsw@gmail.com. Chair of VA L&A Committee: Wayne Martin, wamnoles@aol.com. Chair of MD L&A Committee and Branch Director, Judy Gallant, judy.gallant@verizon.net. We look forward to hearing from you!
In July, leadership asked for your opinion about whether our L&A branch should proceed with advocating for the Social Work Interstate Compact. The answer was a resounding “Yes!” For those of you who offered to help, I am very grateful. Information is on the way, via our L&A brunch, and subsequent listserv postings. I’d like to encourage everyone to come to our in-person Legislation & Advocacy Brunch on Saturday, September 9, 10 am-1pm, at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Chevy Chase, DC (just a block from the Red Line Friendship Heights Metro stop, and underground parking is available). You will have the opportunity to hear from our lobbyists, jurisdictional committee chairs, and CSWA Director of Policy and Practice, Laura Groshong, while enjoying frittatas, muffins and pastries, fresh fruit, yogurt and fruit parfaits. You will learn more about what you can do to help achieve this important goal of getting the Compact passed in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We will be focused on the Social Work Interstate Compact and ways to engage lawmakers and get their support. You will leave with a full understanding of how the Compact will work, receive helpful handouts, and have your questions answered. If you are unable to attend, please email me in advance with any questions you would like answered. We are looking into ways to record the meeting, but we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to do so. If successful, we will post it to our website shortly afterwards. Also, I will send more information and the handouts via the list serve to those who can’t attend. If you are able to assist, we will need 2-3 volunteers to help with directing people to the event room and with the sign-in and distribution of handouts. Please email me directly (judy.gallant@verizon.net) if you are able to help. Registration is a free benefit to our members, but you must register to attend! FYI, here are links to find your state or DC representatives' contact information, as well as talking points for discussing the Compact with lawmakers, etc.:
As always, thank you for your interest. I look forward to seeing many of you at Maggiano’s on September 9th!
See individual jurisdiction articles for the current updates. Be sure to contact one of us with any questions or suggestions you might have, or to join one of the committees: in DC, Adele Natter, anatter@verizon.net; in Maryland, Judy Gallant, judy.gallant@verizon.net; and in Virginia, Wayne Martin, wamnoles@aol.com. We look forward to hearing from you
I’d like to recognize and thank some of the members (including new or new-ish ones*) who have stepped up to join one of our committees to work on legislation and advocacy issues. In DC, these folks include: Carolina Duarte*, Gina Sangster, Tony Hain*, and Deborah Newmark. In Maryland, our committee includes: Alex Wood, Arthur Flax*, Becky Deku, Betsy Amy, Dan Buccino, Eileen Ivey, Erica Werfel, Jasmine Genus, and Rob Zelikoff. If you, too, would like to think together about the next steps we will need to take to convince lawmakers to support the Interstate Compact, or help us determine the position the Society takes on issues such as whether or not to support efforts to do away with all licensing testing by our Social Work Boards (see the MD report in this newsletter), please let one of us know. All voices are welcome and important and help us determine what to include in our testimony about bills or in what issues may be brought to one of the Boards of Social Work.
Judith Gallant, L&A Branch Director
At the beginning of November, the Legislation and Advocacy Branch hosted our 8th yearly L&A event, where we hear about the current political climate in the nation and each jurisdiction, issues that we see as potentially important for the coming year, and how membership can be helpful in our efforts, from our lobbyists, committee chairs and Laura Groshong of the Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA). This year’s “virtual luncheon” was well attended, and participants learned about: efforts in MD to expand availability of Community Mental Health Centers, as well as efforts to enact legislation to ensure permanent payment parity for telehealth and in-person treatment; our Virginia L&A team’s meeting with representatives from VA’s Board of insurance, as well as Virginia’s Governor Youngkin’s requirement that professional Boards reduce regulations by 25% and how the Board of Social Work’s response will make it easier for out-of-state licensee’s to become licensed in Virginia; how DC’s committee has advocated for permitting clinical supervision for licensure to be allowed in a group format. Laura Groshong discussed that there are currently 10 bills in Congress that address CMS coverage of telehealth once the national State of Emergency ends. In general, audio only is not seen as important as video telehealth, and may or may not be part of any bills passed. She addressed some issues raised by the statistics released in August by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) that showed great discrepancy in pass rates between white and black test-takers. Currently, all mental health disciplines have a national test required for licensing. CSWA is in talks with the new Executive Director of ASWB and has offered support in changing the current test.
We have just received word from Laura Groshong that the Social Work Interstate Compact will be released and be ready for state legislators and Boards of Social Work to review at the beginning of January 2023. We are hopeful that some states will be able to pass it through their legislature this year. At least seven states must pass the Compact into law before an administrative body can be formed to create a functioning compact between those states. We will share ways with you in the near future that you may become involved through contacting your state representatives and asking for their support on this exciting possibility.
https://www.dhp.virginia.gov/social/social_calendar.htm In Virginia, meetings are held quarterly in Henrico, VA. The next meetings are scheduled at 10 am on December 9, 2022, and March 10, 2023. Please check on-line or call to confirm that a meeting will take place, as the schedule can change.
https://dchealth.dc.gov/service/social-work-licensing In DC, meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month at 10 am. Meetings are currently held virtually. Consult the Board’s website or call to confirm scheduling information and for the on-line meeting link.
https://health.maryland.gov/bswe/Pages/default.aspx In Maryland, meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 10:30 am. While based in Baltimore, they are currently held virtually. Consult the Board’s website or call to confirm scheduling information and for the on-line meeting link.
Judy Gallant, Director of Legislation| Email: judy.gallant@verizon.net
Interstate Compact for Social Workers on the (Distant) Horizon
In November 2020, the Department of Defense (DOD) put out a Request for Proposals for a grant to develop Interstate Compacts for Licensure Portability. The grant would allow 5 selected professions to work with the Council of State Governments’ National Center for Interstate Compacts to develop model interstate occupational licensure compact legislation. The primary impetus of the DOD-funded grant is to address licensing portability issues that affect military spouses, but will apply to all practitioners of the profession.
CSWA initially applied for the grant, and named the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and NASW as stakeholders that should also be involved. In addition to DOD selecting the social work profession, teachers, dentistry/dental hygienists, cosmetologists and massage therapists will also receive the grants.
The $500,000 of grant money for each profession goes to the Council for State Governments (CSG), and a small amount of the grant may be used to fund travel and hotels for staff of CSWA, ASWB and NASW to meet together with the CSG. The meetings with CSWA, NASW and ASWB will have the goal of helping CSG understand the issues involved for our profession in order for agreements to be reached about how the Model State legislation will be designed. A 20-member advisory group will examine current policies, best practices and alternative structures in order to establish recommendations for the contents of an interstate compact. Kendra Roberson, CSWA President; Laura Groshong, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice; Margot Aronson, CSWA Deputy Director of Policy and Practice, GWSCSW Co-Chair of DC Legislation and Advocacy; and Judy Gallant, CSWA Government Relations Committee member, GWSCSW Director of Legislation and Advocacy will all be part of the advisory group to the Council for State Governments.
The scope of the DOD/CSG assistance includes the drafting of a model interstate compact legislation by CSG lawyers, developing a legislative resource kit, and convening a national meeting of state policymakers to introduce the compact. This part may take 14-18 months to accomplish. Activities that are not part of the grant, but which will still need CSWA, NASW, and ASWB support and cooperation, will be creating the Interstate Commission that will govern compact activities and potentially mediate any disputes between states. A shared contact data system will also need to be developed. State Legislatures, along with Boards of Social Work, will need to be encouraged to consider, and then to vote for becoming part of the Social Work interstate compact for licensure portability. This is the time that members of CSWA, GWSCSW and NASW will likely be able to have the most impact through personal advocacy with legislators. We will be talking about this more as that time comes closer. It may be 3-4 years before we see any states joining the interstate compact that will govern social workers interstate licensure.
Some resources that may answer some of your questions:
There was a recent lively list-serv conversation on this topic, raising important points. Questions about how this might impact our practices, in-person provision of services, decreased income potentially as a result of lower fees from competing out-of-state practitioners, and other issues were raised. Other questions that will need to be addressed: Will the compact include standardized licensure fees? Will CEUs earned in one state be accepted in all states participating in the Compact? Some state standards for licensure are more stringent than others. How will these discrepancies be resolved? Will some states need to raise (or lower) their standards? How will fees be handled?
Be sure to contact one of us with any questions, suggestions, or information you might have, or to join one of the committees: in DC, Margot Aronson at malevin@erols.com or Adele Natter at anatter@verizon.net; in Maryland, Judy Gallant, judy.gallant@verizon.net; and in Virginia, Judy Ratliff, jratliff48@hotmail.com or Wayne Martin at wamnoles@aol.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
www.gwscsw.org PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA 22463 | 202-478-7638 | admin@gwscsw.org