Legislation & Advocacy | VIRGINIA - March 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024 2:26 PM | Anonymous

Social Work Compact (SB239) legislation now awaits the signature of Governor Youngkin. It is anticipated that the Governor will sign the bill on or before April 8th. The legislation did pass both houses of the Virginia General Assembly with only one minor amendment. Once Governor Younkin signs the bill this will make Virginia one of the first states to pass this significant legislation. According to our lobbyist, Mark Smith, we had a very successful effort with legislation that would/could impact LCSW’s in  Virginia. The Virginia Legislative Committee (of which I am a member) met weekly via zoom with Mark Smith, to review proposed bills/legislation that would or could impact clinical social workers. Some of these bills did not make it out of committee, others were referred to study committees to return to be considered in the 2025 session. Our top legislative priority was the “Compact”. Mark will provide the committee with a report on the disposition and status of legislation that was monitored by the committee. Once received, I will request that this report by placed on the GWSCSW website under the “L. and A.” section.  The Virginia General Assembly is due to adjourn on March 9th. We were successful in getting SB239 through the “minefield” of the Virginia General Assembly due to the efforts of Mark and members of the legislative committee who went to the General Assembly and lobbied for the Compact. It was Mark’s connections and contacts with key members of the Senate and House that gave us both access (to meet with the members) and credibility. I say the latter after viewing the video of Mark receiving a proclamation by the Virginia Senate on his retirement after his 45 years of service to the Commonwealth in the form of “SJR 151”. Mark received on March 4th in the Senate chamber, recognition for his 45 years of dedication to Virginia in the form of a “joint resolution.” The many “whereas” and the final, “hereby” of the proclamation, reconfirmed to me how fortunate we are to have him as our lobbyist. Congratulations Mark!!! (that video of the ceremony is available on U-Tube. Email me if you are interested in a forward of the link to view it.) The VSCSW Legislative Committee will meet over the summer and early fall to set our goals and priorities for 2025 General Assembly. The G.A .will convene in Mid January. 

Reported submitted by Wayne A. Martin, LCSW, BCD Emeritus, GWSCSW Representative to the VSCSW Legislative Committee

PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA  22463 | 202-478-7638 | admin@gwscsw.org

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