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GWSCSW History Presentation - Our Living History Shared by Those Who Created It

  • Friday, April 28, 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online ZOOM


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2 Category 1 CEU’s

Panelists: Marilyn Stickle, Carolyn Gruber, Susan Horne, Golnar Simpson,  Marcie Solomon, Nancy Nollen

Open to Members and Nonmembers - Nonmembers are welcome to join us and learn more about GWSCSW history and how the Society has advanced the profession through the years

Moderators: Dara Goldberg, Society Historian and Steve Szopa, Communications Director


This panel presentation and discussion will highlight the reasons GWSCSW was created as well as its early accomplishments in advancing the profession of Clinical Social Work. We are fortunate to have direct access to our history from loyal long-term Members who founded the Society and participated in our hard-won victories. The history of our society mirrors the advancements of the field of Clinical Social Work. Knowing the history of the profession is important, especially for younger Clinical Social workers who were not present in the early years  which lead to us becoming “...the nation’s largest group of mental health services providers. There are more clinically trained social workers—over 200,000—than psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined.” (SAMSA as quoted by the NASW ”Who Employs Social Workers” web page.) 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this presentation, participants will understand:

  1. The early history of social workers before they were granted licensure and vendorship.
  2. The definition of independent licensure and its importance for Clinical Social Workers.
  3. The definition of vendorship and its importance to Clinical Social Workers. 
  4. How advocacy was used by our past Presidents and Members.
  5. How advocacy for our profession is still vital today.
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