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Simple Exercises That Reduce Anxiety and Enhance Connection

  • Friday, October 14, 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Online ZOOM
  • 1


  • $25 per credit hour
  • $40 per credit hour
  • $15 per credit hour

Registration is closed

Presenter: Robert S. Seiler, Jr., LCSW-C

CEUs: Category 1 | 3.0 (Participants take part in the break-out sessions in order to receive the CEUs)

This presentation will present simple, powerful exercises that therapists and clients can use to reduce anxiety and enhance connection. The exercises were developed by Stanley Rosenberg, an American Cranial-Sacral Therapist based in Denmark, and are based on the Polyvagal Theory of Stephen Porges. The exercises activate the vagus nerve, thereby lowering heart rate, reducing muscle tension, and fostering feelings of safety and calm. They also activate other cranial nerves used in nonverbal communication, thereby making it easier for us to connect with and feel safe with others. Participants will learn the exercises and their effects, will practice demonstrating and teaching them, and will learn ways to use them in therapy. The material is suitable for clinicians of all levels of experience.

Workshop Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Describe the Polyvagal Theory of the autonomic nervous system
  2. Describe the social engagement system (the five cranial nerves involved in interpersonal connection)
  3. Demonstrate and teach three of Stanley Rosenberg’s exercises
  4. Describe how the exercises activate the social engagement system
  5. Describe the short-term experiential effects of the exercises
  6. Describe the experiential effects of regular practice of the exercises
  7. Use the exercises in clinical work


      • Introduction
      • The Polyvagal Theory
      • The Social Engagement System
      • The Rosenberg Exercises
      • Demonstrating and Teaching the Exercises
      • Experiential Effects of the Exercises
      • Clinical uses of the Exercise
      • Discussion/Closing

        There will be a 30 minute break during this workshop.
      PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA  22463 | 202-478-7638 |

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