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Presenter: Franca S. Posner |
Category: 1 CE Hours: 1.5
Workshop Description: This workshop is designed to explore the ways our therapeutic relationships shift from the first moment a client receives news of a serious life-threatening or life shortening illness.
The target audience is all clinicians! Any client can receive a serious diagnosis at any time, so exploring these issues can provide a useful framework for any clinician, from newer clinicians to more seasoned, and everyone in between!
* A variety of different scenarios will be discussed, including continuing clinical work with the patient, assisting them in understanding their diagnosis, helping them advocate for themselves by finding the appropriate medical team to best meet their needs and the needs of their family, referring to a clinician with expertise in the particular area of their illness if the current treating clinician does not have expertise in this area, considering conjoint sessions with family/significant others, and the importance of using supervision to process the experience the therapist is having when a patient becomes seriously or terminally ill.
Workshop Objectives:
Recommended Readings:
An excellent overview of clinical issues, including similar and differing approaches from a range of theoretical frameworks.
When Professionals Weep: Emotional and Countertransference Responses in Palliative and End-of-Life Care.
Author(s): Edited by Renee S. Katz and Therese A. Johnson
Publisher: Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group (Second addition)
Year: 2016
This book speaks to the health care provider’s experiences with death, loss, illness and grief in their clinical practice and the impact that exposure can have on the process of providing professional care. PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA 22463 | 202-478-7638 |