President's Message -- News & Views | June 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024 3:44 PM | Anonymous

Welcome to the Summer of 2024!

I bring greetings to our membership from myself and my co-President Steve Szopa. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society and participation in the workshops, seminars, and Town Halls. The Education Committee continues to plan and hold interesting workshops for our membership, and anyone interested in providing training is encouraged to contact our Education Committee Chair, Ed Geraty. We are continuing in the completion of our Strategic Plan, and our work to become more outwardly facing to the membership, and increasing the atmosphere of inclusiveness to make all members feel welcome. We are continuing to collect data from the 2024 Membership Survey; please take a moment to complete it if you haven't already done so. This survey, the first we've done in recent years, will allow us to know our membership in order to develop programming and activities for all, and make a more welcoming Society.

I want to give a Thank You to the Chair of the Social Justice Committee Rachel Keller for all the work she's done with her Committee as well as working with the DEI Consultant and the Communications Task Force. Rachel Thank You. I also want to give a Thank You to Erika Bugaj who headed our Community Branch, and the tremendous job she's done. Erika Thank You for your service. I also want to give a Thank You to Kate Rossier for the work she's done as overseeing the Low Cost Therapy Program for MSW students, and for being an advisor to the President. Kate Thank You for your service. 

As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

  • Access to our vibrant listserv
  • Sponsoring continuing education events
  • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
  • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to social work
  • Offering our mentorship program
  • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students.

As the current Board begins to transition, I want to encourage anyone interested in going the extra step in supporting the Society to think about volunteering to serve in one of the vacant or soon to vacant positions. Anyone interested in volunteering sometime, please let me know. 

I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your feedback.

As I end this note, I want us all to remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments. As always I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

On behalf of myself and my co-President Steve Szopa,  Thank You for your support of myself and the Society!
Karla Abney, GWSCSW President
PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA  22463 | 202-478-7638 |

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