To the Members of the Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work,
I want to extend my wishes for a Happy Social Work Month and as the seasons change from winter, Welcome to the Spring of 2024.
I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society and participation in the workshops, seminars, town halls, and membership events. The Education
Committee continues to plan exciting and thought-provoking workshops, including Implicit Bias Training/Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice, in April, which satisfies training requirements for the MD Board of Social Work, and Clinical Practice with LGBTQ+ Patients: An Intersubjective Relational Approach in May. There are also plans to hold several in-person workshops and social events.
I want to send a Thank You to Gina Sangster for sponsoring a Member Meet-up: A Book Discussion on the Impact of Social Justice Issues on our work as Therapists, at her home on March 2. If you would like to do something similar, please let us know.
As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of Social Work, including:
The Society is in year two of the current administration and will be holding elections in the coming months. Please watch your email for information on participating with the Nominating Committee, and the positions that will be up for reelection. As always, I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your responses. As I end this note, I want us all to remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments.
As always, I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.
Thank you for your support of me and the Society!
Karla Abney, GWSCSW President PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA 22463 | 202-478-7638 |