1499 Chain Bridge Road Ste. 200 McLean, VA -
Full or part-time furnished (or unfurnished) 14 x 10 second floor office within a three office suite. This individual office has a lovely tree view, windows that open and is available for a mental health or allied professional beginning in 2022. Plenty of free parking, a kitchenette, shared waiting area, sound machines and WIFI. Conveniently located in downtown McLean.
Please contact Mimi Weisberg, LCSW at 703-298-063, mimiweisberg@aol.com or Amy Beckman, LCSW at 703-973-8632, abeckmanlcsw@gmail.com
www.gwscsw.org PO Box 711 | Garrisonville, VA 22463 | 202-478-7638 | admin@gwscsw.org